Caroline Hardy is an artist living and working in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Elkland School Garden Kimono

Healing the Earth: The Perfect Garden


This series looks afresh at gardens as undervalued resources for developing relationships between us and Mother Earth. Gardens provide mutually beneficial answers to pollution and greening our planet. Various types of gardens focus on the breadth of ingenuity we employ in creating gardens and on the propagating power of Mother Earth.


Because gardens show us that which we can do, are doing, and must continue to do right for our planet earth. Every culture has developed its ideal garden. Gardens supply food, respite, beauty, a place for community to gather, and public displays of well-being. Creating gardens on any scale is an innovative, beautiful, and ingenious choice for greening the future.

My paper kimonos represent gardens from diverse perspectives—typographically, culturally, and motivationally.

In an age when there is so much misunderstanding … I wanted to explore and celebrate the major achievements that bind us all together through that great cultural leveller – the garden.
— Monty Don, BBC film series Gardens of Paradise